Thursday, March 26, 2009


WOW and it is only 4:30 PM. So I will try to post some pics later but we had the worst snow storm today. It was so bad that they actually closed down the majority of the businesses in the area & Highway 36 that leads to Boulder. Last time I checked it was SPRING BREAK and the END OF MARCH. Now I guess we were really spoiled this winter because we only really got 2-3 snow storms that didn't really amount to much but today made up for all of that. We have received almost 18 inches SO FAR and it is still expected to keep coming through the night. To give you an idea of how bad it was/is: I left work today at just after noon (they were closing the bank to allow people to get home safely) and didn't get home until about 3:20 PM. Along the way I got stuck 3-4 times and had to be helped out each time by some very nice gentlemen. They also closed the highway that I take home and I had to try to come up with an alternate route which was pretty scary. I am so appreciative of those VERY nice guys that helped me.

After I FINALLY got home Ben & I decided to take a walk to the mailbox and we ended up helping an SUV that was in 4-wheel drive get "un-stuck". Ben was pretty much The Hulk helping this car out and almost pushed it out himself. It is a complete disaster here and this storm wasn't a surprise either. They have been talking about this storm for the past 2 days so where were the plows when we needed them. I will never understand the lovely snow plowing industry. I will post some pics as soon as I warm up a bit and relax.

P.S. Here are the pics from just a few minutes ago (7:30 PM) and still coming down.

And here is my poor car trapped in the snow. :(


Annie said...

This sounds like my worst nightmare! I've been pretty grumpy with the little bit of snow we've had here, but I guess I better shut my little trap since it's SO much worst there. I'm so glad you had nice people to help you out when you got stuck. How scary!!!

p.s. btw: it's funny that you updated today. For some reason when I was getting ready this morning, I was thinking about you and feeling like it'd been a long time since I knew how you were doing. Glad to know you're alive. :)

Joe and Liz said...

Crazy Nat!! Glad you were okay. I think you need a big mug of hot cocoa with whip cream!!!

Amber said...

Think your title fits that post perfectly! I hate the snow especially this late in the year! Glad you are ok.

Holly said...

It's weird coming up to Utah to the snow because the day we left, we went swimming and got fried in the 90 degree weather. Crazy snow! Anyway, thanks for the advice. I really do hate this. Do you guys know where you want to end up when Ben is finished?

Kim C. said...

I think growing up in Murray spoils you on the whole roads being plowed thing because they are ALWAYS plowed before you can wake up. They never plowed when we were in Montana and it was a nightmare! Instead they just threw gravel on the roads and that was a mess when it finally melted away. I've been pouting about our snow this week but you definitely got it worse!

The House that James Built said...

feelin for you...looks like the north pole there in CO. hang in there, summer will be there soon!

Carrie said...

Don't you wish we could just hibernate during the stanky winters? That snow looks miserable.

carrie said...

I can't believe that snow! It's crazy.... We had snow here TODAY, and it was nice out yesterday. I was completely shocked. I was walking to my car tonight and the air was December. NO FAIR, huh?? I was reading about you getting stuck...and I was worried for you. Your car is cute, but you might need to get an SUV living in a snowy place like Colorado. your friend said, you could just "hibernate" when it gets bad like that. That's what I like to do, personally. :o) I'm glad people were nice and helped you out. I hope the snow goes away soon....and you get nice warm SPRING weather soon. ha ha

Aania Gowans said...

You know, I wish that the weather would make up its mind! I would like it to be a bit more... ummm lets say spring like!

The Hale's said...

That is insane!! And I thought it has been bad here lately. I cannot believe it took you that long to get home from work!

The House that James Built said...

yeah, how cute is your mom. it was a really neat day and i know hallie wished that you were there. i took a ton of pictures so i'll either send you some or we can force her to update her blog...

Aly said...

That looks horrible! We had a snow like that here on Christmas Day! I think you need to blog more! I like to stay in touch with you! Hope you are doing well...

Mogan and Will said...

Guess you should have stayed in Spokane! :) Ha ha.

Miss you guys!