So since we will be in Utah over Christmas this year we haven't decorated our apartment which makes me a little sad. We usually buy a real Christmas tree around the 10th or 15th but we figured that it would be a waste of money since we will not be here for Christmas. To tell you the truth Odie has not been around a Christmas tree (since we went to Utah last year too) and I am afraid that he would eat it, tip it over, break all of my ornaments, and electrocute himself. It is really hard to get into the Christmas spirit when you don't have any decorations or presents wrapped. I still have about half of my Christmas shopping to do and somehow I always manage to be at the mall on Christmas Eve. I hope this year will be different but I highly doubt it. We are excited to see our friends and family this Christmas and we are really happy to be able to be there to share this wonderful season with them this year.
So wish Ben luck on the rest of his finals. He will be all done by Thursday night and I can hardly wait :) Happy Holidays and see some of you very soon.

Oh and P.S. we are not frozen here yet but just about. We are setting records here for how stinkin' cold it is. Last night it was a whopping NEGATIVE 10 DEGREES. You have to be kidding me with that. Last time it was that cold here..... 1901. Oh boy!!! I thought that it would get better by this afternoon but no such luck. It is gorgeous outside if you don't have to go out there. It is 2 degrees right now. What have I gotten myself into. :)
That IS TOO COLD! I hate winters here in Utah! Shoot! Good Luck with the finals! I so do not miss those days! I'm glad you're coming to Utah! Hope to see you soon!!!!
You know I hate the cold weather, too.... I hope the finals go well for Ben. GOOD LUCK!! It will be fun to see you guys pretty soon!! BTW, I asked about the straightener 'cause of what you wrote on Liz's blog. :o) I was just wondering if you use a special kind or something.
Good luck on the finals!! Joe is done and we are all so happy around here. It will be nice to be in Utah too. I hope you guys have the best time!! Go to El Matador and Cafe Rio for me, okay!And what's up with your weather...I think I would freeze to death!!! We are supposed to have a huge ice storm coming our way tonight. It just barely hit freezing temps...and this afternoon all the schools shut down and got out early, what?? Joe and I have to laugh!
That is just a killer. I don't think my body would make it in that cold of weather. I'm back in Arizona, and I'm thinking 55 degrees is the worst ever. And we feel the same way about Christmas. That's why this year we are staying in AZ. Emri is getting older and we want to enjoy having a tree and decorations. Good luck on finals. I just can't wait for everyone to be done with school. I can't stand it.
We had a layover in Denver and it was negative 6 degrees!!! I was dying, especially after coming back from over 80 degrees and sunny beaches.
So I can work around your schedule when your in town. If we meet for lunch you may have to come meet me downtown where I now work. Or we could go to dinner and you could come over and see the new house. You pick. No battle!
I feel your pain, except Shayne is done with all his finals. Good luck Benny boy you will do great. And good luck Nat putting up with no husband. We are freezing here enough for you so tell it to just stay away!! We had freezing rain last night - no fun!! Miss you and wish we were coming home! :( BOO!
Good luck with all the finals. That is stressful! I hope you have a fun time in Utah. I had to be prepared with Christmas this year, so no last minute shopping for me. But Sam is like you and always shopping christmas eve. are you guys twins or something? :) Crazy weather. Hope it gets better. good luck.
Good Luck Ben! (although I'm sure you don't need it!) We are excited to see you guys. Hopefully with finals over, and seeing your families & friends it will feel like Christmas!
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